GenAI based Chatbot 🤖 using Google Chat, Dialogflow, GPT and Google Cloud Platform

Mohamed Dhaoui
7 min readAug 19, 2023

In this article, I will show how to create a Google Chatbot that recommends a recipe based on a list of ingredients. Before starting, below a demo on how the chatbot will look like at the end ⤵️ :

Let’s start 🚀 !

1- Architecture overview :

Our Chatbot will interact with users messages and depending on user “intent”, it will have two behaviours:

  • Responds “basically” to standard message like “hello”, “thanks”, “Bye”
  • If the intent is to generate a recipe from ingredients, calls the backend to get a recipe and its image.

Below is an overview of our architecture ⤵️:

  • Google Chat will be used as a chat interface, you can replace it by Discord, Slack, Teams, Messenger …
  • Node JS based frontend that consumes user messages and intents, send them to the backend and forward the response…



Mohamed Dhaoui

Lead Data engineer and Data science practitioner ! Interested in data science and software development topics. GCP 5x certified and Go fan.